Monday, January 20, 2014

Delayed Post : First Day School

It is day 20 of 2014, and yet no post from me. :) Busy as a bee. Yeah right.

Lots of changes take place this year. Kids entering primary one, hence marking huge changes in daily routines, etc. Kids are in morning session, so morning is chaotic. Dengan mommy berkejar nak masuk opis kul 7.30, dengan Arfa yang sekarang pukul 6++ je dah celik, dengan bersilat dekat dapur siapkan bekal & breakfast (I made a point that the kids have breakfast before pergi sekolah.. Don't want them to have gastritis like me). Bila dah terbiasa macam tu, weekend pun bangun awal jugak. Bagus la. Ada perubahan positif to start of my 2014. 

Afiq and Adib punya schedule pun dah ubah banyak.. Sekolah kebangsaan (pronounce kena sengau sikit.. style Afiq), 3x a week kelas agama.. Awal-awal ni bagi 2 nih dulu je, tengok macamana diorang coop. Kalau dah ok, then I planned nak hantar pergi Kumon. I don't want them to miss their childhood, and at the same time, I also want them to develop in many ways.. Fuh.. Impian.

Aidin pun dah start sekolah. First two days je nangis.. Skang ok dah. Like he said, "Din big boy. Din nangis sikittttt saje" :P Baru 2 minggu sekolah, tapi we're happy to see his development. Macam sponge. Cakap omputih saje skang. ;)

Arfa on the other hand dah setahun. Yeay! Gigi dah banyak. Jalan belum lagi.. Still takut2 nak jalan. Tapi lepas 2-3 weekend husband suruh dia jalan atas rumput barefoot (petua orang tua-tua) she seems to get better in walking. Agaknya rumput-rumput tu activate nerve dia kot? 

I on the other hand, masih ada azam 2013 yang tidak tercapai, career wise. HOPEFULLY  tahun ni momentum tu besar sket nak kasik gerak. Amin!

Okayla.. kita akhiri entry ni dengan gambar first day sekolah walaupun dah nak kat 3 minggu dah sekolah.. ;)

 Gambar masa placement test. Bila dah habis, Afiq terus confident cakap.. "Mommy, I got 100"

Aidin on first day schooling. I was rushing here and there that day. What a day!

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