Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jardin Petit Gateux Class by Confetti Studio

It is a busy-busy week for me. Busy buat benda yang aku suka. Hehe.

Ahad lepas, for the first time ever in life, I attended course related to baking. Jeng, jeng, jeng..

I memang minat baking. Tapi idok lerr terer amat. Cukup sekadar lepas untuk tekak sendiri dan anak-anak. Tapi tak reti langsung menghias cake. So Ahad lepas, I attended Jardin Petit Gateux Class by Confetti Studio di Ukay Perdana. Class scheduled from 9am to 4pm. The class was conducted by a mother-daughter team (wish this will happen with my own Arfa Marissa). We learned to pipe 4 types of flower - Daisy, Anemone, Cabbage Roses and English Roses. And yes, It took us the whole day!

I almost give up when we started doing the third flower, which is the cabbage roses. Tapi mengenangkan dah bayar, gagahkan diri jugak untuk habiskan. I just feel it is not my day, sebab everything I pipe doesn't look good as those around me. 

It is truly an eye opener. Lepas ni, kalau beli cake, ada munge-munge cantik tu, sila appreciate. Lol! Susahhhhhnya la to get it right! 

Anyway, I finished the course, and I'm very proud of my outcome though it doesn't look as good as others..

First, kita buat dirty coat dulu..

Piping anemone - flower no. 2 that I learned that day

The outcome.. Yang belakang tu cikgu punya piping. Sangat cantik!

This is another snapshot by the t utor. I amek kat instagram:-

I so can't wait to wait for next long weekend to practice to make these at homes. Harap-harap tak hangat2 taik ayam la..


Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Stop la kejap entry Sydney. Ntah bila lagi nak update. Maleh kato org nismilan.

Dalam hati ni, membuak-buak rindu nak jadi housewife balik. Kelam kabut urusan umah tangga sekarang. Kerja pun tak berapa nak syok. Mengenangkan kos hidup makin tinggi, tu la yang buat sabar terus bekerja dalam paksa tiada rela.

Hoihhhh rindunya Jepun. 

Lagi tambah rindu, bila Adib tanya husband.. "Boleh tak hantar Adib sekolah semula kat Jepun?" 

Kena kasik "PANG!" satu kat muka ni sebab ini hidup sebenar. Hidup kat Jepun tu fantasi. Huwaaaa!