Monday, January 18, 2010

:: dalam hati ada risau ::

last thursday, i had my detailed scan done. dr suggested me to have this one, due to my past still birth history. so, there i went, menyerahkan perut untuk discan for about 30mins.

mainly, dr check the structure of the baby. meaning, no chromosomal abnormalities will be checked. syukur alhamdulillah, structurally the baby is fine. looking good. that was what he said, until a point he deliberated further. dia kata the baby is within the range of growth, but it's on the lower side. and it's immature to conclude IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction). more scans need to be done to conclude this.

frankly speaking, it sparks some 'uncomfortable' feeling and anxiety in me and OH. we have gone through bad experience, and we're praying and hoping that this time round everything will turn out fine.

i googled up to find the causes of IUGR. hypertension, diabetic, plasenta abruption, plasenta previa. that's the cause, and IUGR puts baby in higher risk of still birth.

mengambil langkah berjaga², terus aku gi shopping for 'better' food lepas scan. grabbed myself a box of cereal (i hate cereals) and fresh milk. that is for a start. better late than never. and i have cut my coffee intake tremendously, tho all this while pun i minum maximum 2 cups a day. (skali skala ada la terlajak). nih dah masuk 2.5 days tak amek coffee, and yes my mind goes haywired.. :P

hari nih ada follow up dengan gynae. for my 28th week check up. gonna wait and see what the dr says. hopefully, there's nothing wrong with me and the baby.

anyway, dah ada satu set of name yang dah terpahat di jiwa.. :D and for the first time, tak perlu argue dengan OH. :D

doakanlah i yea my dear readers.. moga² i dapat melahirkan anak dari kandungan ini dengan sihat, selamat dan sejahtera. anak yang lahir itu sempurna sifatnya, sihat tubuh badannya, cerdas akalnya, fasih lidah dan merdu suara untuk membacakan ayat² alQuran. amin.

ps - hari nih rasa bersalah teramat² sebab semalam marah budak afiq sebab tak nak makan nasik.. adeh..


yatie chomeyl said...

hope all went well for your pregnancy and your baby. insya Allah lahir bayi yang sihat, sempurna, cerdik, berakal serta beramal soleh. amin

Iryani Noor said...

insya-Allah.. yani doa kn akak n baby 2-2 sihat =p.. Amin

Jue Fauzi said... prayer goes to you and baby.Hopefully everything will be ok and just fine..yeah..I fully agree about the thing yg make me guilty is minum coffee but without it..I'm practically a zombie..huhuhuhu.

WAK said...


utk peringatan bersama.gundah gulana mmg perkara biasa (rutin) manusia bila di landa keresahan atau ketidakpastian.

saya sendiri ketika menunggu kelahiran anak ke 4 pun masih di landa keresahan/bimbang perkara yang tidak dapat di jangka walau baby & umi tiada masalah.seolah olah perasaan itu seperti menunggu kelahiran anak yang pertama.


usaha dengan banyak menjaga kesihatan dan nasihat doktor.

tawakal dengan banyak solat hajat (mohon sebarang hajat) dan istikharoh (supaya tindakan dan keputusan kita mendapat petunjuk,walaupun keputusan atas perkara2 yg kecil/remeh).Akhir sekali banyakkan berdoa.

yang baik di mata kita mungkin tidak baik di sisi Allah dan sebaliknya....

apapun tak semua orang dapat pengalaman mcm tu...
