Friday, September 14, 2012

Adib, Atok & Ninjago

Atok (my Abah), was having his meal. Suddenly..

Adib : Atok, can I ask you something?
Atok : Yes.
Adib : Atok, can you buy me a Ninjago lego?
Atok : Today, Atok is very busy. Atok is meeting someone, I'll buy it later for you. Is it ok?
Adib : Ok.

And Adib starts grumbling at night asking me, why Atok haven't reach home yet after meeting his friends.

The next day...

Adib : Atok, can you buy me a Ninjago Lego?
Atok : But, I don't know where to find it
Adib : I know, kat Jusco ada. (He named almost all shopping malls Jusco)
Atok : But I don't know how to go
Adib : I can show you
Atok : But, I don't have enough money to buy you that
Adib : Atok, you work until night. You must have lots of money to buy.
Atok : (Check mate!)

Outcome of the story : Untuk pertama kalinya, setelah bercucu selama 5 tahun, atok menjejakkan kaki ke Toy's R Us, KLCC bersama-sama empat orang cucu - Afiq, Adib, Aidin & Damia (my niece). Hamek! Kalau anak dulu, sorry naik lorry nak merasa yekkkk. Kena jegil ada. Dengan cucu.... TEWAS!

Moral of the story : Jangan janji dengan budak!

1 comment:

merpati merah jambu said...

hahahaha chomel je.. atok mane tak sayang cucu oiiii~