Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Activities with Kids

I've read somewhere, long time ago, the article said that parents nowadays spend less than 20 mins of quality time with their children daily at home.

masa tuh, i belum ada anak. bila baca artikel tu, rasa macam ridiculous. tapi bila anak-anak makin bertambah, i admit, it's challenging to strike balance between work & family life. (memang saya tabik spring kepada ibu yang bekerja tapi takde maid, tapi masih punya masa berkualiti dengan anak-anak)

masa berkualiti means u spend with your kids. bukan tengok tv sama-sama, but more of getting involve with kids, talk to them, listen to them, do what they do. mula-mula nak start, memang la payah. but kena buat jugak cemana pun.

so, skang nih, i'm trying to get more involve with their activities, actively.

among things:-
1. day out at park
- bawak jek gi mana-mana playground. go run with them and play with them. i love titiwangsa & lake garden lots!

2. day out at the zoo.
- kena add budget sikit. kalau anak satu, tak terasa sangat. tapi kalau anak ramai, agak terseksa poket.

3. painting at home
- invest in cheap water colour, drawing blocks, brushes. they'll be super happy! (suruh colour pakai underwear saje untuk mengelakkan kejadian-kejadian baju comot)

4. main mould clay atau dalam bahasa mudah - plastesin.
- ini memang kena close supervision. especially with 2 year old kid macam aidin, yang nampak plastesin tuh macam sedap dimakan.

5. play hide and seek
- mommy jadi supervisor saje. :P

6. bake a cake together
- in my case, i let them sprinkle the choc chip in the batter and make big fuss about it, making them feeling super important.

7. basuh kereta sama-sama
- done this past weekend. washed the MPV at home. last sekali, bila dah habis basuh kereta, simbah air kat diorang. fun!

i want to carve sweet childhood memories with my kids, because i want them to be proud to share the sweet stories with my grandkids, insya Allah, oneday.i want them to be able to tell, "dulu-dulu, masa daddy kecik, daddy selalu tolong wan buat kek." i don't want them to stare blankly, trying hard to remember, what sort of memory they had with us.

yeah, i'm getting old. i've started to think what kind of family i want to have when my kids are all grown up. memang itu semua ketentuan Allah, tapi kita pun perlu usaha to knit the family closer, so that everyone will always feel warm when gathering up together.

it's worthwhile, thinking & reflecting our daily life, for only 10 mins before sleep.. Fikir, what kind of life we want to lead di hari tua. That will definitely change the way we look at life.

and it's also important to look at the way we treat our parents and in laws. macamana kita buat mak bapak kita, macam tuh la anak-anak kita buat kat kita esok masa tua. kids learn through observation. so, treat your parents and in laws the way you want your kids to treat you. ye la, kita nih dok vow nak jadi parents yang lebih baik, tapi tak pernah langsung cakap nak usaha jadi anak yang baik. sedangkan, syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu.

dah jauh ke laut dah aku melalut nih.

in short, i want my family to grow as a happy family, as i spend my old life insya Allah, one day. aminnnnn

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