Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday at the Zoo

since minggu nih cuti panjang, macam-macam la plan dirangka untuk menghiburkan hati anak-anak bujang.

ahad lepas, bawak anak-anak pergi Zoo. dah lama plan nak bawak, tapi tak sampai-sampai. so, ahad lepas, for the first time ever, sampai la aidin ke zoo.

aidin, anak yang bongsu (buat masa ini. haha. statement..) suka sangat kucing. so, we assume that aidin is an animal lover. memang he enjoyed the trip.

we managed to catch the animal show at 11.00am. but i think the zoo management has to review the animal show la. it is an area to improve. bukan sebab show tu boring, tapi sebab some of the animal yang buat concert tuh kecik-kecik belaka, so 30mins show tuh boleh buat kids bosan sebab diorang tak berapa nampak. and the animal show punya stage tu perlukan facelift, so it will looks better. perhaps, instead of making the emcee cakap2 sahaja, it would be nicer if the animal show is turned into short drama. lagi best.

all in all, i think the zoo has improved a lot. memang tak sampai la taraf zoo overseas, but hey, look at the entrance fee! though mahal untuk poket rakyat malaysia, but it is waayyyyyyyyy farrrrr cheaper than zoos abroad.

made our way out at noon. baru masuk kereta, si afiq dah mintak nak pegi lagi. aidin pulak bila tanya best ke tak, dok jawab best. insya Allah, ada rezeki pergi lagi.

btw, anybody dah pegi petting zoo kat sunway? is it good?


ezan said...

Aishah, for zoo negara u can ask the kids jd members. Br rm20 per yr...so they can masuk for free the whole yr..tinggal the parents jer la kene beli tiket...
Then petrosains family members pon menarik rm100 per year. Unlimited entrance for 1 yr then bley masuk other science centre yg disenaraikan for free gak... 1 family = 2adult + 2kids....

Nurul Ulfa said...

zoo sunway tak pernah pergi...tp one of the zoo yg my kids suka sangat..zoo melaka...boleh tengok animal dg jelas cause the concept binatang tak duduk dalam cage..tapi dia bina parit besar so takdelah binatang tu boleh melompat keluar ;)...my boys sampai mengigau2 sebut nama2 animal malam tu ;)..tapi zoo tu banyak nyamuk so kena pakai ubat nyamuk sebelum masuk ;)...tapi i pergi masa 2010 skrg tak tahu macam mana ;)