Tuesday, July 6, 2010

:: kids are sweet aite? ::

:: cerita adib ::

dia makin 'cheeky' lately. he can be very charming at times, very funny sometimes, and very helpful most of the time. makin suka main 'pretend'.

last few days, i asked him a question. actually the reason i asked him that question is to instill the sense of responsibility in him as a son, bila dia dah besar nanti. it was a very simple question actually.

mommy : adib, kalau adib dah besar nanti, boleh tak adib beli mommy roti?
adib : boleh!

and he continued, cheekily..

adib : kalau adib dah besar, adib dah keja, adib beli mommy roti came rotan. (dia dah sengih²)

mommy : terus bantai gelak sebab mommy selalu tipu afiq adib, cakap mommy dah beli rotan, and letak dalam kereta vios. kalau tak behave mommy bawak turun and give a rotan one each. :P

:: cerita afiq ::

i saw patches of stickers on the floor, and knowing my sons, i could guess it's afiq's work.

mommy : kenapa afiq lekat sticker atas lantai?
afiq : (dengan innocentnya jawab..) sebab takde buku.


:: cerita mereka sebagai twin ::

the dialogue goes something like this..

adib : apik, jom la tolong adib. adib tak yayat (larat)

afiq dok mengelat, lari sana sini refusing. adib kept on kejar afiq and pegang² tangan afiq, enough to make afiq annoyed.

finally, afiq gave his reason.

afiq : apik beyak (berak) la.

(and i forgot whether the reason is true or not)


kids are sweet aite?

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