that i believe need to be shared with others.
please click this -
he was a doctor who's diagnosed with hodgkins disease stage 3, 6 weeks before his very final exam to qualify him as a doctor.
subhanallah. his courage, his patience, his battle.. should be an inspiration to all. bila dikenang bagaimana Allah menduga saya dengan mengambil amin, my reactions.. ya Allah, terlalu jauh diri ini dari benchmark sabar, tabah dan redha.
semoga Allah merahmati allahyarham dr mas afzal. semoga keluarganya diberi kekuatan untuk menghadapi hari² mendatang dan didatangkan 1001 kebaikan sebagai ganti.
akak read his mom's writing and go thru the entries..Tq for sharing.
Thanks for sharing..
Really thanks for the sharing! Saya menangis semahunya lepas baca beberapa entries dalam blog ni.
A few years ago, when I just delivered my third baby, and at that time I was a mere housewife, my husband naik ketumbuhan besar kat leher dia. Ketumbuhan tu was really big sampaikan doktor suruh buat biopsy, afraid that it was cancer. (similar macam cerita arwah, penulis blog ni)
Tuhan saja yang tahu perasaan saya waktu tu. Masa tu saya tak berpelajaran tinggi, apatah lagi nak ada career. If something bad really happen, I just didn't know how to survive with three small kids and no other source of income.
Alhamdulillah, it turned out not to be cancerous...
But still the experience of waiting the result traumatize me up until now. That was the real turning point in my life. A few months later, I terus applied sambung belajar, and I really determine that I would equip myself with whatever necessary to survive, should that experience come up again what day.
Setiap kali tengok parut biopsy kat leher suami, saya bersyukur pada Allah...
kak & aini - no problem. sharing is caring!
asiah - i love the way he appreciate every single thing in life. and i just simply adore him for his love to his mother. being myself, i don't think i am anywhere near.
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