owh, mindaku sudah agak diracuni apabila melihat tiket yang harganya.. hm.. boleh diworkout.. :D harus di printscreen dan diemail kepada suami terchenta yang berada jauh beribu batu. (i deserve a treat okay.. on call sorang² bukan perkara mudah)
people have different views on flying on low cost airlines. so do i. i don't mind flying airasia. in fact, i've done quite a number of low cost airlines in sydney, and i didn't find any differences in terms of comfort of flying. but i do countercheck with the 'full priced airlines' as at times, they offer a cheaper price than the so called 'low cost airlines'. the only differences i shall say is the meal and entertainment centre. but travelling with twins, i surely don't bother with entertainment, as when they're asleep, it's sleep is more important!! :D the differences in flight price come from (from my observation la ek) is the meal, the airport tax, and services rendered by the staffs. but if we do 'value engineering', when your purposes is to fly from point A to B, at a reasonable cost, others don't matter. aite?
the way we travel - we normally did everything on our own. from tix booking to accomodation to transportation. lebih flexible and more fun. (but we haven't been to left hand drive counrty, so the transportation will definitely change a bit). 6 years of travelling together, we sure learn a lot. there're mistakes, unforeseen circumstances and all that makes us (err, OH actually... a better travel desk officer) insya Allah, all his advises are pretty good, and has been proved true.
we prefer to stay in an apartment/self contained unit (as usually referred in oz) rather than in big posh hotels especially when we travel abroad. reason being - feel more relax and flexible when it comes to cooking and bed arrangement.
tu la serba sikit pasal the way we travel. of course we do dream to travel in luxury, hope oneday we'll be granted the wish. :D
okay la kengkawan. ntah apsal la pulak ari nih termimpi nak blog pasal travel. mungkinkah aku memerlukan percutian lagi? hahahaha. gelak jahat.
* hilang pun mengantuk. yeay!
yang...i booked a flight to sabah for 29/1 - 1/2/2010! imagine 2010!
n...the best part, i have no plan at all, well yet la...nak pegi mana jalan, makan, tinggal..hahaha...best best best...
adventure seh!
aku penah dulu book n beli awal. skali cancel. owhh rugi!!!!!!!
aku penah dulu book n beli awal. skali cancel. owhh rugi!!!!!!!
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