Friday, July 3, 2009

:: broadband users, is it always that bad?? ::

i signed up to maxis broadband recently, to make it easier for me to log into the net whenever i feel like it. but much to dissapointment, it didn't work out well, especially at nights when i need it the most. (time difference between KL and Russia is 5 hrs, so we skyped at night).

brought the lappie to office together with the modem, just to test the line, and it performs better. was it my place, or was it peak at the moment i logged in? feels like returning it back, but baru terperasan that i need to pay rm200 as handling fee sebab pakai less than a year, more than tral period. dang!

okay la readers.nanti bila free sket i'll tepek the pics from bro's wedding.

take care all. salam.


hailmi said...

drpd apa yg sy tau,maxis broadband is quite slow compared to guna celcom subscribe daily sbb jrg guna, speed ok la jg..maxis tak penah try,tp drpd komen yg penah dgr slow la

Anonymous said...

sye pun guna maxis... oklah.... dia tgk tempat kot... tp, ramai jugak org kater celcom better..

memang sakit hati kan kene denda RM200? sebab tuh aweng tunggu bulan 8 ni baru nk terminate.. pastuh, baru nak pikir nak tukar yg mana pulak...

yatie chomeyl said...

i guess tmpt pon main peranan. i used celcom broadband to skype with hubby before comhing here. if i on9 at my home (read: kampung sket), the connection was a bit slow. but if i on9 from MIL's home (read: nearby city center), the connection was faster.

Jue Fauzi said...

I use celcom broadband and the signal strenght usually is better than maxis (we have different broadband server user at my parents' house so boleh la compare. But even Celcom pun ada certain place yg low signal..especially yg jauh ke kg.Tapi if ada 3G signal sure laju.

aishah zaharin said...

tengkiu users. nampak gayanye.. macam akan direturnkan balik jek. adehhhh.. rugi.. rugi..

Unknown said...

mak esah, i pakai maxis and proud for it.

yes, tempat memainkan peranan yang MAHA penting. ur area @ UK Perdana tu mana2 line pon sax. My fren yang pakai streamyx sampai menyumpah.

Kalau WiMax, tak sure la plak ok ke tak.

pilihan di tangan anda...

ngeh ngeh ngeh

Nun said...

aishah...maxis is the worst!i've stop using it last year bcause the coverage is too limited..i've terminate the line thru instruction by phone,but the customer service ppl failed to tell me to return back the modem once i terminate the line...after 5 months a bill amounting rm1k came to my house...eventho the rm200 have been autodebit-ed to my credit card a month after my prob cause me millions of other problems when i am not allowed to sign up to any other post-paid line...atlast i pegi mengamuk kat maxis centre, baru diorg consider to give me a cheque-which i have not received even yet!!n to tell you...maxis got a mounting of hidden charges...after the first 5 months of using the line, i started to noticed that my bill have increased n when i checked the bill, the previous amount of the so-called rebate have been included to the sixth month bill..dah la coverage susah nak dpt..byr mahal...nak terminate pun susah...gosh...menyesal betul signed up dulu..hope u r not experiencing the same...-atun manap