Monday, June 6, 2011

:: latest progress of the trio ::

i'll skip the post on FOOD and MY WAY OF TRAVELLING WITH KIDS later. sebab nak tulis entry tu memerlukan 'konsentrasi' yang tinggi. :D

just wanna share the latest progress of my kids.

:: Afiq ::
lately, he has develop interest in coloring so much, that he is so focus bila dapat colors and coloring books. (make it easier in flight, definitely!) he loves writing, and mula tunjuk minat yang sangat tinggi in high speed cars (walaupun agak penakut). boleh diharap untuk tengok²kan & entertain aidin when mommy is busy. sudah hafal al-Fatihah (walaupun sebutan masih tak betul sangat) dan dah dapat sikit² zikir munajat. alhamdulillah.

:: Adib ::
sangat fond dengan english. he has a very good english accent, walaupun cakap english masih caca marba. (dengan mommy² jadi caca marba). sama macam afiq, adib dah boleh recite al-Fatihah & sikir munajat. jugak boleh diharap untuk look after aidin. recently, he started to call me MOM instead of MOMMY. he also dah makin lo.yar bu.ruk.

scene 1 : in the car, OH was coaching him reading his magic english book by grolier on the way back to KL from Kedah, when my brother was driving.

OH : this is duck.
adib : no daddy. this is DONALD.


scene 2 : dekat surau, mengiring rombongan pengantin lelaki untuk akad nikah.

adib : mommy, kenapa kita pergi surau?
mommy : sebab uncle faizal nak kawen.
adib : adib nak kawen jugak!


:: Aidin ::
aidin is a baby yang tak reti duduk diam. he could walk and walk and walk without stopping. gigi sudah sangat banyak, and lately agak susah nak makan. sob sob. pipi yang tembun masa balik gold coast hari tuh dah susut! huwaaa! he loves tepuk amai² song and dah pandai immitate solat. (sejuk perut mommy sayang!) he's truly family's koala bear.

i just heart them so much, and i feel so satisfied sebab cuti sekolah nih dapat spend quality time with them.

my goal : to spend more quality time with them, to educate them well, both dalam ilmu dunia & akhirat. but first and foremost, i have to improve myself, so that i'll be a walking example to my kids!


Iryani Noor said...

sejuk perut bile dgr afiq dh hafal surah al-fatihah... wish i can teach sofia the way you educate all your kids..

aishah zaharin said...

yani - i think the first step would be, pasangkan cd alquran (perhaps starts with juzu' amma) dalam kereta, especially (like me) malam otw back to our home sweet home dr melawati.