Monday, April 27, 2009

:: happy sunday, empty monday ::

semalam makan aiskrim ngan TOH, and the boys @ the curve.

we're both a fan of new zealand's natural ice creams, so we head for one yesterday. despite being full, after a lovely lunch of simple nasi goreng and lam mee, we enjoyed the treats a lot. i just love the berri-ness of boysenberry dream and TOH takde lain - cookies and cream.

orang kata, mana tak tumpahnya kuah kalau tak ke nasi. memangla budak kecik 2 orang tuh suka gila makan aiskrim.

semalam, after the treat, we asked afiq:-

mommy : tadi afiq makan apa?
afiq : kim.. (read : aiskrim)
mommy : sedap tak?
afiq : dap..

and this morning, i tanya lagi:-
mommy : semalam afiq makan apa?
afiq : kim.. dap..

tak sempat tanya sedap dah jawab. ngehngeh.

sangat chumil!

owh, one more thing, we attended my cousin's birthday bash yesterday evening. she's 10 by the way. (i'm the eldest grandchild, so i ada banyak sepupu sepapat yag masih muda belia). afiq and adib enjoyed the bash so much. dok kutip gula² dari balang, and bagi kat orang. sangat suka tengok orang nyanyi lagu birthday (macam dah besar sangat).

suka bila tengok anak happy.

tapi hari nih sedih banget. laki aku merantau lagi, dan makan weekend pulak tuh. udah lerr weekend this week panjang. huhu. sgt bengkek dan sedih. dah la last minit trip, terpaksa cancel a month long anticipated holiday pulak tuh. he'd better make it up.

dah la, malas nak pikir.

take care all. bye.

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