will be having my A&C tomorrow, and insya Allah will know whether i'll be back to work or terus cuti sampai deliver. but looking at my history, i rase la, cuti sampai deliver. weewo.
so far the bleed has stopped. but, i'm now pretty huge, that i find it hard to move around. i have free myself from cooking, housechores, carrying kids, driving, name it. ala2 princess. hekhek. well, dah arahan kan, mak ikut jek lerr.
kids are not around. diorang gie 'pow' atok die beli 'scrambler'. masak la atok dia. kalau beli, bukannya boleh beli sebijik. sah2 kena angkat 2. penangan cucu. kalau ngan anak dulu, mintak maap okay! boleh kira berapa kali abah beli toy! (and i only have 1 barbie throughout my childhood kalau tak silap!)
as said in my previous post, aku dah mula rasa simptom-simpton nesting. nesting symptoms mmg selalu datang bila aku nak deliver. rajin berkemas la, etc. and yes, aku dah berjaya clearkan toys anak2 aku yang dah rosak plus their old clothing (dengan bantuan, of course!). guess, after check up esok, i can know basically when to start to pack my labour bag.
actually, hajat hati nak buat biskut. (ada hajat lagi tuh!) kalau beli tak puas makan. tapi oven kecik sangat, so aku malas nak bakar ber'batch'2. i was thinking that i can still bancuh while sitting, and get someone else to bake it for me. hari tuh OH promise to buy the bigger oven, but i wanted him to simpan that cash for some other intended use at the end of the year.
okay la peeps. take good care. salam!
tehingin nak tgk gambar terkini akak.. heeeeee...
semoga sihat dan selamat hendaknye kak aishah =)
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